Check-in is available between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. If you arrive early, you can enjoy a welcome tea at our on-site Flicker Bookstore. For late arrivals, self-check-in is available, but please try to arrive within the check-in time.
CAFÉ DUBHE is open daily from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Flicker Bookstore is open daily from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (reservations required)
Due to safety concerns (many stone walls and railings), bringing large amounts of alcohol is prohibited. Red wine is also prohibited due to staining concerns, but white wine is allowed. (Wine glasses and plates are available upon request.)
There are a couple of Korean restaurants nearby, but most restaurants are a 5-15 minute drive away.
No, Enjoy the traditional Korean hanok house view with the moon and stars as your companions :)
Wi-Fi is provided in each room.
Pets are not allowed. Please use a pet hotel in Jeonju city.
A taxi is recommended. For reservations, please contact us.
It takes about 30 minutes by car from Jeonju Hanok Village and 20 minutes from Jeonju Station (KTX).
Since we are located in the mountains, insects may be present. However, we regularly perform pest control and provide insect repellents in each room.
Although hanoks can be drafty, we provide heating and warm ondol floors. Guests who are sensitive to the cold should bring warm pajamas and outerwear.
Only Gahedang is available for stays with infants. Due to the safety of the hanok structure, Hyeondang, Jewoldang, and Yeoilru are only accessible to guests aged 10 and above.)
Check-in time is 4:30 PM (summer) and 4:00 PM (winter). Check-out time is 10:30 AM.
No, dinner is not available on-site. We can recommend restaurants within a 5-10 minute drive.
Due to the preservation of the hanok, cooking or bringing food inside is prohibited. Bringing simple snacks or light refreshments is allowed.